Principles of OB/HRM for Accounting and Finance

Mode: Report

Word Count: 2000 words

Critically evaluate the following statement: “The extent to which an organisation is effective depends on the behaviour of individuals, groups, the organisation and human resource management. Using one topic at each of the levels, (individuals, groups, organisation and human resource management) introduced during the lectures and workshops, explain how each of these play an important part in determining an organisation’s effectiveness. You must discuss how effective your group worked to complete your group presentation that you gave in your workshop and link your discussion to content covered in the module. If you did not participate in the group presentation, you must discuss how social loafing can affect a group’s presentation (i.e., the social loafing case from Workshop 3). Higher marks will be awarded to those who give specific examples and/or discuss the relevant theories covered in the module.

The essay mark will reflect the following:

Critical analysis of each concept (4x 20 marks) – Is there a critical analysis of a relevant theory or theories that is specific to each of the chosen skills? Has the analysis presented new and interesting observations/insights and questions/issues for the reader?


Presentation/Format (20 marks) – Is the essay clearly and coherently structured (is it an report)? Has the report referenced and cited relevant materials? What is the standard of writing, in terms of clarity and coherence as well as in terms of mechanics (grammar, spelling, presentation)?