Please answer one of the two questions below. You′ll need to discuss a number of different ideas/concepts in your answer. Thus, organization and clear headings will be especially important this week in order to clearly communicate your ideas. In your answer, you must clearly draw on and cite readings and as possible links. You may also use PowerPoint materials, but some clear citations to readings must be included. The purpose of these papers is for you to analyze class material; they are not opinion papers so avoid offering your opinions unless asked for in the question. Write clearly and originally. You may quote authors but no more than 1-2 sentences at a time, and no more than 4 times in your answer-essay. It is best to use your own words rather than to excessively quote from sources. However, some quotations are nice to add to your major points. If you are quoting or taking ideas from others, remember to cite the source. Use American Psychological Association citation format ( http://www.apastyle.org/) for text citations and include a reference page. Also see: http://libguides.gwumc.edu/APA [Your readings are already listed in this format on the reading list provided under course announcements. Also see the APA guide sheet there.] Assume you will need a cite for every paragraph or 2-4 sentences with page numbers. For some questions, you may have to search the web for background material (e.g., newspapers, magazines) in order to ‘read up’ on a current public issue (e.g., health care, immigration). Consider such background work as part of your assignment if applicable. Assume that your answer should range from 4-5 double-spaced, typed pages ; 12 point font (5 page maximum not including reference page). WRITE FOR AN INTELLIGENT COLLEGE SOPHOMORE WHO HAS NOT TAKEN THIS COURSE. Note: All writing assignments should be treated as open book exams, e.g., do your own work; original writing, no collaboration or group discussion on how to answer the writing assignment essay questions. All essay are run through a check for plagiarism (Safe Assign) Submit one paper by clicking on the red Unit 5 Writing Assignment link above. The question that you will be answering in this essay is: According to Foucault, A) how does punishment change over history? B) What are some of the reasons that punishment changed over history? C) What are some of the advantages of this change in punishment? D) What are some of the problems with the modern era of punishment that he describes? E)Contrast Foucault’s vision of punishment with that of Bentham (from unit 2). Be sure to explain each scholar′s approach (Foucault and Bentham). The citations will be what I uploaded, in addition to Part 3 chapters 1-3 of Foucault book [F] : “Docile Bodies,” “The Means of Correct Training,” “Panopticanism”