Lynching of Black People in the United States of America during the nineteenth century

Student individual assignment:

i. What are your general opinions on the lynching of black people in the United States of America during the nineteenth century?

ii. Why did the great classics of sociology not address that problem?

iii. Are there contemporary forms of lynching institutionalized against black people in the United States? If yes, please give concrete examples.

iv. How to effectively fight contemporary forms of lynching?

The reading’s report should not be more than three pages long. It must be typed using Times New Roman or Arial, font size 12, and 1.5 line spacing. It should be turned in by Sunday, October 27 before midnight.


Wells, Ida B. (2005). Southern Horrors. Lynch Law in All Its Phases (Produced by Suzanne Shell, Melissa Er-Raqabi and the PG Online Distributed Proofreading Team) [E-book]. Project Guttenberg (Original work published 1892) [Open Access item] e00a180630a7/book#page/5/mode/2up. Wells, Ida B. (2013). Southern Horrors. Lynch Law in All Its Phases (James K. White and Laura Victoria., Narr.) [Audiobook]. LibriVox (Original work published 1892) [Open Access item]