Case Study PowerPoint (30%):
In the Resource section there are copies of several legal case studies involving difficult disputes in health care decision making. The selection of the case study will be assigned by the professor and posted in the DB forum by Week 4. **Please note that even though several students may be assigned the same case study, this is an individual assignment and collaboration on the assignment is not allowed**.
The student will utilize the assigned case study and do the following:
- Develop a 14-16 slide PowerPoint to distinguish the legal from the ethical issues of the case study. The title slide, reference slides, and any heading slides are NOT included in the 14 slide minimum.
- Explain the specific underlying dispute and include the history of the case and what is relevant to understanding the issues in the case. See the grading rubric below for full details of what needs to be included.
- Explain why a difficult moral problem is involved. Identify and define what you believe are the most important issues for the case and why. Include ethical theory to support your analysis. You should try to identify all of the main issues; however, in a complex case like Schiavo’s, you can say that due to considerations of space and time you will focus on two (i.e. the actions of the various governmental branches and the role of advance directives).
- Suggest possible resolutions highlighting the principles and theories from Butts and Rich (2016) that were employed to explain the suggested resolutions. This is where the student puts the issues into the context of the case, considering various possible approaches, the approach chosen by those involved, including the court, and whether you agree or disagree with what was decided and why. Compare and contrast to similar cases on record, explaining the difference.
- Conclude with a summary of your analysis of the case and recommendations.
- Include a slide for references in APA format. The reference and Title slide are not included in the 14 slide minimum. There should be a minimum of 4-5 references including the reference where the case study was found. These case studies form the foundation for ethical decision making in health care so the references will be well beyond the 5 year preference. Due to the seminal nature of this assignment, older references are acceptable.
- Slides will contain only brief speaking points. You will either narrate or type in the notes section below the slides to thoroughly explain each slide.
- The PowerPoints will be submitted to the Assignment Dropbox AND to the Discussion Board by the end of Week 9. Students will review and respond to peers’ presentations during Week 10. The requirement is to respond to peers’ presentations on case studies different from your own following the DB grading rubric. I would suggest you read all of the presentations to familiarize yourself with each case study.
- Guidelines for developing an effective PowerPoint can be located by going to YouTube and typing in PowerPoint in the search window.
- Directions for using voice over can be located by going to YouTube
** Students who score poorly on this assignment typically omit a section(s) of the grading rubric.
Ethical Case Study PowerPoint Presentation
Grading Guidelines
Purpose: To analyze one of the seminal ethical case studies to distinguish the legal from the ethical issues involved.
Analyze the assigned, seminal case study and distinguish the legal from ethical issues.
- Develop a minimum of 14 slides of content to thoroughly explain the specific underlying dispute. Explain why a difficult moral problem is involved. Include a title slide and reference slide which are not included in the 14 slide minimum. A minimum of 4-5 peer reviewed references should be utilized to support your thoughts. See guidelines above for the PowerPoint and reference guidelines.
- The case study will be assigned by your professor.
- **This is NOT a group assignment, each student will develop and submit their own PowerPoint.
Power Point: Grading Criterion | Potential
Points Earned |
Comments |
Assignment-Related Criterion |
Introduce the case study
20 | ||
Investigate the interdisciplinary impact of issue
15 | ||
Analyze the case
30 | ||
15 | ||
Writing Style | |||
PowerPoint consists of Title page, introduction, body, conclusion and references. (APA 3.6) | 10 Points | ||
Purpose of the assignment is clearly stated in the first or second slide (APA 2.05) | |||
Logical development of stated purpose of the assignment (Organization, flow & focus). (APA 3.01; 3.09; 8.03) | |||
PowerPoint follows guidelines for effective presentation: avoids wordiness, effective background and font color, organized, effective graphics. | |||
Includes effective explanation of slides via narration or notes below slide in note section. | |||
Fewer than 2 misspelled words (APA 4.12-4.38) |
Grammar Correct (APA 3.18-3.23) | |||
Usage, Syntax, & Punctuation correct. (APA 3.05-3.17; 4.01-4.11; 4.46-4.49) |
Assignment submitted to the assignment DropBox AND the DB by due date and follows the guidelines for the required length and number of references. | |||
APA Format | |||
Title slide contains the title, the author’s name, and the institutional affiliation. (APA 2.01; 8.03) | 10 Points
In-text citations are in proper APA format. (APA 2.11; 6.03-6.21) | |||
References are in proper APA format. (APA 2.11; 6.22-6.32; Examples of Refs: 7.01-A7.06) | |||
Total | 100 points |