Assessment Task 1:


Individual Study of the Nature of Creativity and Innovation

·       Individual Essay – Analysis of personal and organizational styles and assessment of strategies for creative thinking and innovation

·       Due Date               Class/Week/Module 6 (Day 3 in 5-Day Block Mode format)

·       Weight                   30%

·       Length                   ~2500 words


Each student is to submit a written assignment, based on an exploration of the nature of creativity and innovation, how these are defined, what academics and others say about them, and what their own experiences are.  The topic will relate to the theory and practice of creativity and innovation in an organisational setting and will require participants to research the current body of knowledge in the area, assess how this might impact their role in an organization, and present a case based on their research.

To help you focus this, aim to identify examples of people and/or organisations whose success was/is based on creative thinking and innovation, and what they did to achieve their success with innovation.  Look to identify the key ingredients to successful innovation – Leadership, Focus, Creativity, Invention, and Entrepreneurship.  Try to find people and organisations that are ‘less well known’ than the usual examples, such as Apple, Google, Uber, etc.  The aim is to learn how to ‘spot’ innovation in action all around you, so focus in your own industry, field, country, or area of interest to find your examples.

The assignment report should be a document of about 2500 words plus an Executive Summary, Mind Map, and Attachments as needed. Please also include a short personal reflection on what you learnt by doing this assignment, and how you might apply the insights gained.






Assessment Task 2:

Team based Creativity and Innovation

·       Research and critical analysis, then synthesizing information into group report and oral presentation that demonstrates the creative problem solving process, on a real world business problem.

·       Due                        (a) Oral Presentation:               Class/Week/Module 12 (Day 5 in a 5-Day Block Mode)

                              (b) Written Report:                    Start of class or day

·       Weight                   (a) Presentation                                   20%

                              (b) Written reports:                    30% – includes 10% for Individual Reflection

·       Length                   (a) Presentation:                      20 minutes plus 5 mins Q&A

(b) Written Team Report:          2,000-2500 words
(c) Individual reflection paper    300-500 words

The purpose of this group learning task is for students to become familiar with an Applied Creativity & Innovation model and develop skills in Deliberate Creative Thinking techniques by applying them to a real life challenge, and have the opportunity to observe and analyse different creative thinking processes.

Students will work in groups of four or five. Each group will explore possible situations/ challenges/ opportunities in their own organisations, industry, or area of interest, that could benefit from the application of Applied Creativity & Innovation. Each group will then decide on a focus statement for this project. Over the semester, students will work on this selected project, working through the different stages of the Applied Creativity & Innovation model outlined in this course, applying a variety of Deliberate Creative Thinking techniques.

Team Presentation (20%) and Written Report (20%)

The group’s work will be evaluated on a 25 minute oral presentation and submission of their supporting written team project report. Students are encouraged to use creative processes in this presentation and to make the session an enjoyable and enlightening learning activity for all the class members.  Presentations are expected to be professionally delivered and accompanied by appropriate graphical material (PowerPoint slides, overheads, video clips, whiteboard demonstrations, hand-outs, etc.)

The presentation and written report should:


Individual Reflection (10%)

In addition each student is to submit an individual reflection report on what they gained, learnt, found challenging, etc. during the team project and during the course.  Submit via Moodle.  Maximum one page.