1- Find the attached file [Cochrane Review] and read it all, as this file that you will summarize and rewrite in your own words.
2- Look at the attached file [NMBA Standards]: Just in a paragraph no heading Identify which NMBA Registration Standards this assessment aligns with and explain why these Standards are important to nursing practice (approximately 100 words). YOU MAY REFERENCE THE NMBA STANDARDS AND GET ONE OR TWO REFERENCES TO SUPPORT YOUR OPINION.
3- From the attached file [Cochrane Review], find BACKGROUND and in your own words Describe what this review is about and why this research was conducted. Which parts of this review are relevant and interesting to you as a student nurse? You can contribute to this section with insights on the relevance to nursing by using additional references. It must not be a direct cut and paste (approximately 200 words). NEED ONE OR TWO OTHER REFERENCES TO SUPPORT YOUR OPINION OF HOW IS THAT INTERESTING FOR THE NURSING STUDENT.
4- From the attached file [Cochrane Review], find Objectives which are sometimes referred to as Aims or Questions. In your own words, describe what this review is aiming to achieve. This information will come mainly from the systematic review report. It must not be a direct cut and paste. (Approximately 100 Words). NO ADDITIONAL REFERENCES NEEDED.
5- From the attached file [Cochrane Review], find Interventions/Methods then summarise in your own words what the main interventions were, and the methods reported in the review. It must not be a direct cut and paste. (Approximately 100 Words). NO ADDITIONAL REFERENCES NEEDED.
6- From the attached file [Cochrane Review], find results. Report the results for the main outcomes here. Students can include narrative, tabular or graphical formats as long as it accurately represents the results. It must not be a direct cut and paste. (Approximately 150 Words). NO ADDITIONAL REFERENCES NEEDED.
7- Comment on the ‘Conclusion’ section and how you think these findings relate to nursing. It must not be a direct cut and paste. (Approximately 100 Words). NEED ONE OR TWO OTHER REFERENCES TO SUPPORT YOUR OPINION OF HOW IS THAT RELATE FOR THE NURSING.
8- In your opinion, what are the implications of the review findings are for nursing practice. This section requires independent, critical thought