RQ: How does a person who experiences toxic leadership outside the organization affect the individual’s efficiency and cost-benefit within an organization? CFA AND SEM THEORY Case Overview This case assignment focuses on understanding the use of SEM in published research in your field. Case Assignment Please reflect on your selected research direction and find (using Web of Science or ProQuest for example) three papers (ideally from top-ranked journals) that used SEM. Read these papers and reflect on the readings assigned for this week. Address the following points in a synthesized set of paragraphs. What are the measured constructs? Why did the authors need to use SEM? Comment on the validity of these constructs using the provided statistics and the guidelines for reporting SEM results (e.g., papers by Geffen) Comment on the goodness of fit of these models using the provided fit statistics Could the authors do a better job on reporting their SEM results? Please organize your paper in a scholarly way. Add section titles when necessary. Explain your logic and when appropriate, use external sources and use proper citations.