Course Description The sensory sciences are central to research as well as studies in product development or modification, quality control and quality assurance. The effect of foods on our senses is neither simple nor totally understood. The complexity of the stimulus of a food product on any one of our senses is affected by a vast number of factors, including: nature and presentation of the specific food matrix, the age, gender, background, sensory sensitivity of the consumer, even the conditions under which the test is carried out. Despite these limitations, the area of sensory evaluation is used to establish the credibility of a potential new product or the effectiveness of a modification to a new product. This course will develop students’ understanding and application of sensory evaluation. This is undertaken through an examination of the practical and theoretical aspects of sensory evaluation and analysis. In this course, students deal with practical real world sensory related problems in a team approach. Assignment guideline: Sensory Evaluation and Consumer Behaviour Literature Review Assignment Semester 2 2017 “Originally only four basic tastes were recognized (sweet, sour, salt and bitter). Review how and why umami was recognized as the fifth taste. Currently some workers believe that fat is also a basic taste. Review the current state of the research and considering the adoption of umami identify what needs to be demonstrated if fat is to be accepted as a basic taste.” Postgraduate students (ONPS2526) 1) Write a maximum of 3,000 words (excluding references) literature review on the above topic. 2) You must also nominate a peer reviewed journal as your intended submission place for your literature review, and follow their author requirements. As an appendix include the author requirements (not included in the word count). Where there are any conflicts with the guidelines given above, the author requirements of the journal will take precedence. Marking Criteria The criteria for assessment in addition to technical content and relevance will be correct clarity of expression, overall structure of the essay and citation of references. The distribution of marks will be: • Technical content and relevance 40 marks • Quality of references 20 marks • Citation of references 20 marks • Layout, clarity of expression, English grammar 20 marks